Saturday, 30 April 2011

Sankey Valley Park Proposed Sell Off / Takeover by GW

Sankey Valley Park may as well not exist if WBC give it the nod. A great loss for everyone. Lets hope common sense prevails as it should. The Woods, Bewsey Meadows, Green Way would be negatively affected for many residents and wildlife habitat destroyed. The population is growing, so is the wildlife and so are the users of the park. A recent walk over the affected parts on a Bank Holiday showed many dogs being walked, families out and plenty of people / families cycling. This park must be protected!

Some acceptable improvements would be welcome: Increased attention to litter, dog fouling, graffiti, vegetation, habitat management and usage of the canal for canoeing would be excellent.

CLR JUDITH WHEELER Great Sankey advised: By its location, Gulliver’s impinges on the park. We know it wishes to develop a caravan/camping area on its land. This will have to be submitted as a planning application and until this happens we do not know exactly what it entails and how it will impact on residents.

We are committed to ensuring that any developments are appropriate to the park and will not be detrimental to it or impact negatively on our residents.

COMMUNITY: Caravan & camping park: Will destroy wildlife habitat for herons, owls, bats, blue tits, hunting birds & squirrels etc. It will remove current / future public access to the amenity permanently. The new road to the camping will create noise, fumes, safety issues, asbo issues & potential health problems. The ancient woods will be decimated and be of no use to wildlife, some of which is special to the Warrington community and I think WBC. It will open up the path for roller coaster rides to be errected if the business changes strategy for the land area in the future, these are very noisy and do not fit with a residential or wildlife park.

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