Tuesday, 3 May 2011

eMail - Requesting a Letter for all local residents etc.

Sent to: To ptaylor@warrington.gov.uk, dearl@warrington.gov.uk, councilzsk@hotmail.com, hjones@warrington.gov.uk

Hello Peter

I have some points I would like to raise with reference to the resident consultation process / planning process. Can you please ensure this is read by the people concerned in the Warrington planning dept. and advise who this is passed onto. If the MP and coucillors can ensure that the requests, where possible are met, thankyou.

Residents Letter:
- If this proposal enters the next phase of the planning stage. I would like to request that letters are sent to all residents concerned within 200mtrs (or a greater radius unless there's some form of restriction on this), of all aspects of the proposed developments.
- I would like the letter as a minimum to inform the residents of the target areas of the plans and most importantly whether public access without fee is allowed into these targeted development areas.
- I would like the letter to state the full costs of the project funded by WBC.
- I would like the letter to state the impact to wildlife and their habitat.
- I would like the letter to state the policies that currently protect each area of the targeted development, if you use policy reference Nos then please define a brief glossary to each policy ref No.
- Please add anything extra as required.

Request for Planning Consultation Window Increase:
- In addition I have read information from a member of the SaveSankeyValleyPark group, that the planning stage is only a 14 day window. This would give residents from reading the letter 14 days to object. If this is the case, then my view is that this window is not wide enough. This is based on various factors such as a typical holiday is 14 days, or sometimes 21 days. Due to the magnitude of the proposals I request that this planning window be increased to the maximum possible number of days so a full informed opinion can obtained from the community. This would deliver integrity to the planning process.

Publicise to Town:
- Due to the magnitude of proposed change, I also request in addition to letters to the local community that the council fully publicise the development plans via Warrington Guardian, with at least a full page advert. The cost of this is insignificant against the proposed spend.

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