Individuals are encouraged to write their own letters in their own words and send them to the powers that be. Each individual letter equals one objection. Only send your objection letters when we reach STAGE 2 CONSULTATIONS.
Individual letters should contain certain information, for example:
How the proposed changes will impact you and your family?
How strongly you object?
How will they affect the environment (polution, traffic, fumes, noise, litter, light pollution etc.)?
Any health and safety issues?
Alternative proposal suggestions?
How often do you or your family use the park?
How do you believe the changes will impact on nature?
How do you believe the changes will impact the future?
Are you happy or not with the way the council is spending the tax payers (your) money?
Are you happy or not with the loss of public amenity (the park)?
MOST IMPORTANTLY: Request that your objection letter is presented to the planning committee and is taken in to consideration when making their final decision.
So come on everyone, write your individual letters, if your husband or wife has already sent one, there is nothing to stop you from writing one as well. You might object in different ways and that would get 2 votes! Get the kids to do one also. Whatever you do, avoid copying and pasting the same letter.
Send your objections here:
Planning and Development Peter Taylor
Cllr David Earl:
Stefan Krizanac:
MP Helen Jones:
Postal Address:
Development Control, Warrington Borough Council
Environment Services Directorate
New Town House
Buttermarket Street
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